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Engine Workbench

This is a placeholder for the Engine Workbench. IT is nowhere near ready for any kin of public release. The Engine workbench was an early attempt to learn the FreeCADs “Part” object.

3 thoughts on “Engine Workbench

  1. Hey The Boss! I’m sorry to trouble you, I just saw your video on using assembly 2, and I’m just not getting it. I’m using assembly 4 so maybe that’s why. Asking here because I’m not sure you get comments on videos that old. My project is at and involves 4 parts to assemble. I want to do the assembly in python.

    1. Hey Chris. I often don’t get notices about YouTube comments so you made a good choice. 🙂 Regarding Assembly 4 I haven’t even taken a look at that yet so my answer would be a complete guess. It is 4 am here and I just happened to wake up but I would be happy to look ate your project a little later. I’ll post when I do.

    2. I took a look at Assembly 4, keep in mind it is a different workbench than Assembly2+. Assembly 4 it does not seem to be a finished Assembly workbench, unless I am misssing something.

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