This is a placeholder for the Engine Workbench. IT is nowhere near ready for any kin of public release. The Engine workbench was an early attempt to learn the FreeCADs “Part” object.
This is a placeholder for the Engine Workbench. IT is nowhere near ready for any kin of public release. The Engine workbench was an early attempt to learn the FreeCADs “Part” object.
Hey The Boss! I’m sorry to trouble you, I just saw your video on using assembly 2, and I’m just not getting it. I’m using assembly 4 so maybe that’s why. Asking here because I’m not sure you get comments on videos that old. My project is at https://github.com/iplayfast/CycloidGearBox and involves 4 parts to assemble. I want to do the assembly in python.
Hey Chris. I often don’t get notices about YouTube comments so you made a good choice. 🙂 Regarding Assembly 4 I haven’t even taken a look at that yet so my answer would be a complete guess. It is 4 am here and I just happened to wake up but I would be happy to look ate your project a little later. I’ll post when I do.
I took a look at Assembly 4, keep in mind it is a different workbench than Assembly2+. Assembly 4 it does not seem to be a finished Assembly workbench, unless I am misssing something.