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Arduino – LCD Display

Adding a Display to you project can add a tremendous amount of value and feature. This simple project shows the learner how to hook up the LCD using four wires and 2 for control.


Fritzing Project Files

  • Wiring Diagram
  • Schematic
  • PCB
  • Arduino Code

If you work with Fritzing you can wire the Arduino and Run the code right from Fritzing.

Arduino Code Files – Our custom commented code with the bare minimum to ease understanding.

f you want to use the Arduino IDE or or other coding tool you can download this code.

Arduino Code Files – Version with NO COMMENTS.

f you want to use the Arduino IDE or or other coding tool you can download this code.

Video Tutorial

Arduino Video Tutorial


  • Arduino UNO
  • 8 x 5mm LEDs
  • 1602 LCD
  • Hookup Wire
  • Jumper Wires
  • Breadboard
  • Potentiometer

Coding Directions

Using your editor of choice load the mcp_lcd.ino code onto your Arduino

For step by step instructions go here (TBD)

For video instructions go here ( TBD )

Wiring Directions

These directions assume you have aligned the LCD Pin 1 to Column 1 on your Breadboard.

Step 1.) Wire the Four Data Lines

  1. Connect Pin 2 on the Arduino to Pin 14 on the LCD ( Col 14 ) aka D7
  2. Connect Pin 3 on the Arduino to Pin 13 on the LCD ( Col 13 ) aka D6
  3. Connect Pin 4 on the Arduino to Pin 12 on the LCD ( Col 12 ) aka D5
  4. Connect Pin 5 on the Arduino to Pin 11 on the LCD ( Col 11 )aka D4

Step 2.) Connect Power and Ground

  1. Connect the 5v Pin from the Arduino Power Header to the Red Power Rail on your Breadboard
  2. Connect the GND Pin from the Arduino Power Header to the Blue Power Rail on your Breadboard

Step 4.) Connect the Backlight

  1. Place a jumper wire from the Blue Power rail on your breadboard to Pin 16 on the LCD ( Col 16 on Breadboard ) aka K – This is the ground for the Backlight
  2. Place a jumper wire from the Analog Pin 4 on your Arduino to Pin 15 on the LCD ( Col 15 on Breadboard ) aka A – This is the power for the Backlight

Step 5.) Set “defaults” by Grounding and Powering Pins

  1. Jumper LCD Pin 1 ( Breadboard Col 1 ) to the GND rail – This sets the LCD to W(rite)
  2. Jumper LCD Pin 2 ( Breadboard Col 2 ) to the 5v rail – This powers the LCD
  3. Jumper LCD Pin 5 ( Breadboard Col 5 ) to the GND rail – This sets the LCD to W(rite)

Step 6.) Connect the Register Select line

  1. Connect Pin 12 on Arduino to Pin 4 on LCD

Step 7.) Connect the Enable Line

  1. Connect Pin 11 on the Arduino to Pin 6 on the LCD ( Column 6 on Breadboard )

Step 8.) Wire the Contrast Control.

  1. Place the 3 Pin Potentiometer in Columns 20,21,22
  2. Connect Column 20 to the 5v Rail
  3. Connect Column 22 t the Blue Ground Rail
  4. Jumper Column 21 to Pin 3 on the LCD ( Column 3 on Breadboard )

Additional Materials

LCD Pin Diagram

Arduino Diagram

1 thought on “Arduino – LCD Display

  1. Absolutely amazed by this Arduino project! The creativity and technical skill showcased here are truly impressive. Thanks for sharing this incredible work!

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