Teaching Thermal Properties using the “Design a Thermos” style lesson. It is a tried and true approach. This Lesson Plan Adjunct attempts to add elements of coding and design into the mix.
Continue reading Thermos Logging with ArduinoAuthor: Paul
Better than Blink – Traffic Light
The Traffic Light – Learn to Solder kit gets the learner going on all fronts. Using just the simple blink example and a Student can get a red yellow and green Traffic light timed to perfection.
Tinkercad – Beginners Brick
Modeling the eponymous toy brick in Tinkercad will walk you through many of the necessary fundamentals of 3d Design.
Models, Projects, Notes and other miscellany
Split Bearing Clamp
A split pillow block for the 608zz skate bearing.
Toy Construction Brick – A great starter object for learning about the Draft mode of FreeCAD
Strandbeest – Sort of a requirement for 3d Printer enthusiasts to design their own.
What is BlocksCAD?
BlocksCAD is a Blocks Based 3d Design Coding Tool. Wow that is a mouthfull, let’s break it down a bit. First, what is blocks based.
Continue reading BlocksCADOpenSCAD
Here you will find all the models OpenSCAD and related Videos. As with everything I do, this is a work in progress.
Arduino Case
OpenSCAD Modules
Arrows and Dimensions
The Arrows and Dimensions lets the OpenSCAD Coder add dimension lines and arrows to their model.
Arrays Module
The Arrays Module allows the OpenSCAD user to easily create various types of arrays from child objects.
Exploded Assembly
The Exploded Assembly helps the OpenSCAD coder to create animations, or just different views of their models.
FreeCAD – Framing
Here you will find all the models pertaining to the Framing Workbench and Videos. As with everything I do, this is a work in progress.
The Framing Workbench was the groundwork for learning how to make a workbench. It is strongly in the alpha stage and may never go any further. That being said I do get lost in projects and if I get back to this one I man bring it from version 0.1 to 0.2
Continue reading FreeCAD – FramingMomentary Push-button Innards
Small momentary push buttons can be difficult to understand, however if we look inside we can easily gain an understanding of their operation.
AS you can clearly see the black button portion pushes down on the thin disk. The center of the disk deforms and makes contact between the two contact strips. The disk also provides the spring return action and makes the clicking noise.
LED – Innards
The LED ( Light Emitting Diode ) is found in just about every corner of our world that you can imagine.
The first consideration is that the LED is a Diode. Just like every other Diode current only flows in a single direction. When current flows in the correct direction the Diode emits Light.
The LED is comprised of a small chip inside of a clear or colored epoxy. It has two leads that allow connection to the Anode and the Cathode of the LED.
Arduino – Ultrasonic Rangefinder
Using the popular HC-SR204 gives an easy to understand and implement look at how the Arduino can interact with the world around it.
Continue reading Arduino – Ultrasonic Rangefinder